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Production Year 1996

One More Day of Life


きょうも生かされている ある末期がん患者のあしあと [TBC]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1996

Living Each Day Like the Last

This moving program confronts the ageless issues of mortality and quality of life through a profile of terminally ill cancer patient Muneo Kikuchi. See how Kikuchi strives to make the most of the days remaining to him - even undertaking a strenuous pilgrimage to Mt. Koya - and how his doctor and family support his wishes and special needs.

Breaking through Barriers – A Wheelchair Marathon –


その腕で走れ 車いすランナーたちの熱き闘い [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1996

You Don't Need Legs to Run Free

The spirit of competition brings out the best in human nature. As we witness through coverage of the 15th Oita International Wheelchair Marathon, this is as true of the physically disabled as anyone else. Follow athlete Kazuya Murozuka in his quest to overcome world champion Heinz Frei and a field of 432 athletes from 42 nations and win the supremely challenging event.

The Songmaster’s Apprentice – A Lesson in Japanese Folk Songs –


いま“こぶし”に賭ける 娘たちの民謡修行 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1996

The complex melodies and distinctive trills of traditional Japanese folk songs are not easily mastered. This program provides a delightful introduction to the intricacies of the art while profiling four young girls at different stages of their apprenticeships to 84-year-old Grandmaster Umewaka Asano. As we see and hear firsthand, there are both highs and lows on the road to mastery of this unique song style.

An Angel from a Southern Island


南の島からきた天使 [YBC]

|Length : 41min. |Year : 1996

Care of the elderly, a timely issue in this age of rapidly "graying" societies, is the theme of this thought-provoking program. Aloishia Saito, a native Samoan who works at a nursing home in Japan, is regarded as an "angel" by her charges for her cheerful disposition and empathy for the aged. Aloishia's bi-cultural perspective provides valuable insights.

Return to Japanese Soil – The Lives of Two English Women : Miss Hannah Riddell and Miss Ada Wright –


日本の土に リデル、ライト両女史の生涯 [TKU]

|Length : 50min. |Year : 1996

Patients suffering from Hansen's disease (formerly called leprosy) once faced harsh discrimination and forced isolation. Some hundred years ago, Briton Hannah Riddell founded a hospital in Japan for these unfortunates; she was succeeded in her work by her niece. Their stories shed light on the nature of both the disease and Japanese society.

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