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Documentary : Welfare


A Song for Life


わが人生に歌あり!盲目のテナー新垣勉 [NTV]

|Length : 53min. |Year : 1999

Blind from birth, Tsutomu Aragaki's early years were long and lonely, and included one suicide attempt. Luckily, a caring family took him in as one of their own. Aragaki went on to become a minister and a skilled singer who brings a message of hope to the younger generation. He sings at schools throughout Japan, embracing audiences with simple yet powerful lyrics that inspire troubled and lonely youth. His songs represent the beauty of forgiveness and the value of living life to the fullest.

The Undaunted Man


めっちゃ!生きてるで パパは無敵の障害者 [CX]

|Length : 46min. |Year : 1999

This documentary is about Mr. Haruyama who is 44 years old and has a serious disease, progressive muscular dystrophy. Although he is paralized from the neck down, he is still active and successful as the president of his own company, Handy Network International, which develops and sells personal aid equipment. This program shows how he accepts his life and lives on, and how his wife Yuko and his two sons support him physically and mentally. It's a story of love and care given by the family members to daddy.

Feel the Wind Again – Running to the Dream –


疾風よ再び 義足先生の夢力走 [HTB]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1998

Aiming for the Paralymics

Koji Araki, a high school physical education teacher, lost the lower part of his right leg in a car accident. But this has not detered him from continuing his active life, which includes running, swimming and skiing. The phrase "fighting spirit" is inscribed on Araki's state-of-the-art artifical leg which was designed by Toshiya Nosaka in cooperation with a sports rehab research group at Sapporo Medical University. Araki is training for the Paralympics and the camera follows him through his training sessions, and zooms in on his relationship with the researchers who share his dream.

Braille Books across the Ocean


海を渡った点字参考書 [NHK]

|Length : 28min. |Year : 1997

Japan-China ties through braille

Some 8.8 million visually impaired people live in China. Thanks to braille textbooks written by Hikoji Shimozono, a former math teacher, blind students in both Japan and China now have an opportunity to go on to higher learning. Yoko Aoki, who studied with Shimozono's textbooks, opened a Japanese-language school for the blind in Tianjin, China using the same textbooks. As Shimozono arrives in China to see the fruits of his work, Guo Lihua, the school's first graduate, is about to leave for Japan to continue her studies.

Dad Wants to Get Well Again


とうさんのこいのぼり [ABS]

|Length : 45min. |Year : 1997

Can love overcome a degenerative disease?

Shortly after being stricken with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a degenerative disease affecting the spinal cord, Kosuga Toshikatsu is only able to move his eyelids. Refusing to let this illness keep him from communicating with the world, he enters the Akita City "Encounter Concert" where poems written by physical handicapped people are presented. Using his eyelids to tap out Morse Code, Kosuga composed the poem "Koinobori," which was entered in the concert. With the support of his wife and children, and the national ALS association, Kosuga attempts to come to terms with his illness.

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