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Documentary : People and History


A Passionate Challenger | Masters of Their Profession |

Stonewalk – Walking for Peace with Hibakusha –


ストーンウォーク ~ヒバクシャと歩む道~ [NBC]

|Length : 53min. |Year : 2006

It has been 60 years since the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan.
In 2005, in a memorial to those who perished in those attacks, a peace march called "Stonewalk"was held. Two-ton gravestone was pulled from Nagasaki to Hiroshima-both cities that were destroyed by atomic bombs.
One of the organizers was a woman who had lost her husband in the terrorist attacks on America on September 11, 2001. When she learned that A-Bomb survivors had been giving talks about their experiences and appealing for peace, she decided to turn her pain into strength to fight for peace, and to carry out the Stonewalk.
The families of the victims of the 9.11 attacks and atomic bomb survivors both share "the sorrow of those who have lost a loved one"and a wish to"not allow anyone else to suffer the same painful experiences."

[NHK Special] Okinawa’s Forgotten Battlefield – The Land War Unveiled by 2,500 Yomitan Villagers –


NHKスペシャル 沖縄 よみがえる戦場 ~読谷村民2500人が語る地上戦~ [NHK]

|Length : 52min. |Year : 2005

Near the end of the Pacific War, during the three months of Battle of okinawa, 300,000 people were killed, including 100,000 ordinary okinawan citizens. 0n April 1,1945,the villagers came face-to-face with the terrible realities of land warfare: a 'one bullet for one tatami mat' bombardment; mass suicides; death from starvation and malaria during evacuation to the jungle; and even slaughter by compatriots in the so-called 'Friendly Army.'
This documentary tells the story of a farming village that was turned into a battlefield sixty years ago and still lives in the shadow of a U.S.military base. It includes the testimony of many of those who were deprived of family, home, and livelihood. They pass on to posterity not only their sad stories but also their messages of peace.

Two Lives and an Old Mountain Lodge


山小屋カレー~ 2004 年秋篇~ [CBC]

|Length : 47min. |Year : 2005

This is the story of the Gozaisho Mountain Lodge, an old lodge that has stood for over 70 years on the side of Mount Gozaisho-1212 m(3976 ft), in Mie Prefecture.
At the time of filming, Masaichi Sasaki was 94 years old, and his wife Harue was 92. The elderly couple run the lodge completely on their own. At the lodge's peak, almost 10,000 people a year visited, but the building and furnishings have aged, and only about 300 people come each year now.
The elderly couple love their independent life and have no desire to give it up. Harue asks, "Who wants to take orders from somebody?" And Masaichi agrees: "We are free to live as we choose. That's how we like it".

[NHK Documentary] Peace Hand raised Polar Bear


ピース5歳 日本初 ホッキョクグマ哺育物語 [NHK]

|Length : 43min. |Year : 2005

On December 2, 1999, a polar bear named Peace was born at Tobe Zoological Park in Ehime Prefecture, western Japan. After his mother rejected the cub, zookeeper Atsuhito Takaichi took on the task of childrearing and subsequently succeeded in handraising a polar bear for the first time ever in Japan and the third time in the world.
This program chronicles five years in the life of the young cub and the caring zookeeper from the critical time after Peace was born to the arrival of summer and the cub's first swimming lesson. As efforts continue towards bringing up Peace, we witness an unbreakable bond of mutual affection and trust.

[NHK Documentary] Solly and Me


ソリーとふたり 盲導犬訓練の4週間 [NHK]

|Length : 43min. |Year : 2005

Keiko Matsuda is a young blind woman hoping for greater independence. Her new guide dog is Solly. And they are both instructed by Kanako Taira, an apprentice guide dog trainer. For the next four weeks, Kanako will teach Keiko and Solly how to work effectively as a team. Along the way, Kanako discovers she must do more than simply teach technique. Solly comes to terms with having a new owner. And Keiko struggles with doubts and fears as she explores a new world of possibilities. The program reveals that to succeed, Keiko, Kanako and Solly must all adopt new perspectives.

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