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JAMCO Online International Symposium

25th JAMCO Online International Symposium

December 2016 - June 2017

The Current State and Challenges of International Broadcasting in Key Countries

Opening Remarks

Yoshio Okawara
President, Japan Media Communication Center
Honorary President, The America-Japan Society, Inc.
Former Ambassador to U.S.A.

Since its founding in 1991, the Japan Media Communication Center (JAMCO) promotes international exchange through television content in an endeavor to foster mutual understanding between Japan and other countries, and to contribute to the advancement of television broadcasting in developing countries around the world.

Our most important activity at JAMCO is producing international editions of Japanese television programs and providing them free of charge to broadcasting stations in developing countries. As of March 31, 2016, JAMCO has supplied 11,145 programs to 90 countries in Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa, Middle and Near East, and Central and South America.
In addition to supplying programs to broadcasting stations, JAMCO supports education in developing countries by providing television programs at no cost to universities.
The international editions produced by JAMCO are international versions of Japanese television programs selected for their relevance to overseas audiences, particularly in developing countries. These programs are available in languages including English, Spanish, French, and Arabic, as well as in music and effects (ME) versions. The JAMCO library has presently grown to 1,657 programs in genres ranging from documentaries to children’s and educational programs to dramas.
These programs are either broadcast as they are in English and Spanish or further translated into local languages, depending on the country. The contents have proved to be a source of information helpful to the recipient countries in such fields as education, disaster preparedness, hygiene, technology, and the environment on top of contributing to better understanding of situation in Japan and its culture.

The JAMCO Online Symposium is organized annually on the JAMCO website as part of our efforts to foster cross-cultural dialogue. This year, in the 25th edition, we examine the theme “The Current State and Challenges of International Broadcasting in Key Countries.”
From the distribution of television content via the Internet to the development of high-resolution standards such as 4K and 8K, innovations in television technology today are nothing short of amazing. All of this plus changes in society and viewer needs have a significant impact on the world of video content, including television programs.
Amid these circumstances, the content distributed abroad through the media and particularly television plays an increasingly important role in international politics and economic activities. We see great value in exploring the current state, challenges, and outlook of these efforts. The symposium has asked researchers, broadcasters and others related in the United Kingdom, Turkey, China, South Korea, and Japan to present facts and observations about the situations in their respective countries. Although the information available may be limited due to national strategic reasons, we hope the contributions will provide insight into the history of international distribution of television content and overseas dissemination of information, the various models of service, targets, and purposes of global broadcasting.

Television continues to have a profound impact on politics,economy, culture, and everyday life around the world today. By providing a platform for discussion by broadcasters and researchers, “The Current State and Challenges of International Broadcasting in Key Countries” offers a meaningful opportunity to deepen mutual understanding across borders.

The symposium welcomes the participation of all interested persons, and is open to comments and questions on the articles and online discussions. We look forward to hearing from you via the email form on the JAMCO website.

In closing, allow me to express my sincere wish that the symposium will help further exchange of television programs and promote goodwill between Japan and the world at large.

Yoshio Okawara

President, Japan Media Communication Center
Honorary President, The America-Japan Society, Inc.
Former Ambassador to U.S.A.

Past Symposiums

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