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Les former a tout prix! Le base-ball en Ouganda


育て!ウガンダ野球 [TVH]

|Length : 20min. |Year : 2009

Ce documentaire met en lumière de jeunes ougandais dont la vie a changé grâce au baseball depuis l'arrivée d'un ancient professeur d'une école secondaire de Sapporo. En tant que volontaire japonais pour la coopération internationale (JOCV) de l'Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA), Yuichi Odajima, 39 ans, a choisi l'Ouganda comme destination. Leur but n'est pas simplement de devenir des champions du baseball, mais aussi "des champions de la vie" capables de reconnaître leurs propres faiblesses et de les transformer en atouts. Pour Odajima, l'important est pas la maîtrise des techniques, mais la maîtrise de soi. Par conséquent, il est rigoureux et exige à ses elèves de se conduire avec vertu. Guidés par leur maître, les jeunes sportifs ougandais avancent, petit a petit, la voie pour devenir les vrais champions de la vie.

ABU Voyage to the Future, 2009 – Journey to the Coral Reefs (Part 1: Discovering Friendship by the Sea)


ABU 未来への航海2009 サンゴ礁の旅 第1回海で見つけた友情 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 2009

ABU Voyage to the Future is a project in which teenagers from various parts of Asia are encouraged to think about the future of the global environment and the importance of sustainable development by visiting locations in Asia that are struggling with environmental challenges. In ABU Voyage to the Future 2009, students journey to the Philippines to consider the importance of protecting coral reefs. The destruction of marine environments throughout the world has become a major issue of global concern. The coral reefs and mangroves of the Philippines are among the richest in the world in terms of biodiversity. But this precious marine environment is now being threatened by destruction, mainly as a result of human activities: a growing population; unchecked tourism and the resulting pollution of seawater; local fishermen over-catching fish and destructive illegal fishing methods, including dynamite fishing.
This documentary follows Asian teenagers who travelled to the Philippines in March 2009 to learn more about an endangered marine environment through hands-on experience, serious thought and heated discussion.

SERIES The Science Station | The Science Station


ふしぎ情報局 [NHK]

|Length : 15min. x20 |Year : 2007

"The Science Station" is a science program aimed for children aged 12 to 13. With convincing images, this program helps viewers to think scientifically and discover the joys of gaining knowledge.
It contains affluent information such as latest scientific achievements and scientific topics seen in everyday life in a form that is easy for children to understand, Moreover, the program consists of individual segments which make it easy to split and partially use the clips.

1. Elements That Burn Things
2. What Elements Emerge From Burning?
3. Inhale and Exhale
4. What Happens When We Eat?
5. Blood Flow
6. What Makes Plants Grow?
7. The Human Body and the Animal Body
8. What's Under the Ground?
9. Volcano Eruptions
10. The Trembling Land
11. Acid and Alkali Solutions
12. Liquids that Melt Things
13. Useful Chemistry
14. Air that Surrounds the Earth
15. Is the Earth Really Round?
16. The Fantastic Electromagnet
17. Electromagnets in Use
18. Energy of the Future
19. How Woodland Creatures Coexist
20. Life on Earth

[Spanish Version]
Centro informativo de las Ciencias (15min. x2)

1. La convivencia de los seres vivos en el bosque
2. La tierra es única

SERIES Joule & Professor Watt | Joule & Professor Watt


E!気分(いいきぶん) [TUF]

|Length : 3min. x11 |Year : 2009

While humanity evolved with the development of science, we can also state that science and technology play a crucial role in saving the human race from global warming, an issue shared by all of mankind. This series of short programs whose purpose is to offered in an easy-to-understand style to reach out to a wide audience, particularly children. Each episode is presented by twoanimated characters, namely a little girl called Joule and the know-it-all Professor Watt, allowing children to learn while having fun. The purpose of this series is to familiarize children with science and technology, hoping that one day they'll be committed to activities aimed at protecting the environment.

SERIES Professeur Watt explique | Professeur Watt explique


E!気分(いいきぶん) [TUF]

|Length : 3min. x11 |Year : 2009

L'humanité a évolué grâce aux progrès de la science. Nous pouvons également affirmer que la science et la technologie jouent un rôle déterminant pour sauver l'espèce humaine du réchauffement climatique, aujourd'hui une préoccupation mondiale. Cette série de courtes émissions fournissent des informations scientifiques allant des sciences naturelles aux hautes technologies, dans un langage simple permettant à un vaste public, particulièrement aux enfants, d'apprendre tout en s'amusant. Chaque épisode est présentée par deux personnages animés, une jeune fille nommée Joule et le professeur Watt. Le but de cette série est d'intéresser les enfants à la science et à la technologie, tout en espérant qu' ils contribueront dans l'avenir à la protection de l'environnement.

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