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Production Year 1993

SERIES Parsley Playground | Parsley Playground


あつまれじゃんけんぽん [NHK]

|Length : 15min. x40 |Year : 1993

There is nothing so entertaining or educational for children as a puppet show. Parsley Playground's cute puppet characters all have something that a young audience can identify with and the situations they get involved in are all familiar ones. Set in Parsley Elementary School, each story is interesting, educational, and fun. This series is intended to add a little zest to those first few years of school life and to help kids learn how to get along with family and friends - but adults will enjoy it too.

1. Back to School
2. Polly in a Spin
3. The "Thunk" Ball
4. Dodgeball Drama
5. Nature Trail
6. A Day in the Seaside
7. Adventure in the Dark
8. Beefy's Gamebrain
9. The Detective Club
10. Call of the Wild
11. "Let's Go to Town"
12. Back to Nature
13. Corky Gets Cross
14. Stuck-up
15. Granny's Little Helpers
16. I'll Do it Later !
17. Wally's Secret
18. The Box
19. The Echo Song
20. Spring Is in the Air
21. A Morning Full of Flowers
22. Corky Down in the Dumps
23. Sly Sniffer Wagtail
24. Where is the Blackboard Rubber?
25. I'm Not Little
26. The Mountain Lake
27. Playing Pirates
28. Sleepy Katy
29. Beefy Bullock's Camera
30. The Gale Family Passes
31. It's Grandad !
32. Polly's Goldfish Acorn
33. Hello! I'm a Little Pencil Case
34. The Play Rehearsal
35. Big Brother Corky
36. Nelly Does Her Best
37. Sorry Mr.Porker
38. The "Get-Well" Letter
39. The Beautiful Rising Sun
40. Forever Friends

SERIES The Unsung Experts of Japan | Hanabishi – The Fireworks Masters –


ワザあり!にっぽん | 名門花火師三代目の腕 青木多門・昭夫親子 [CTV]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1993

Every summer for hundreds of years, Japanese skies have lit up to the delight of old and young alike. Such marvelous pyrotechnics are the product of special expertise demanding skill, dedication and considerable creativity: it is not easy to become a fireworks master. In this fascinating study of a unique craft we watch the father and son team of Tamon and Akio Aoki prepare meticulously for a major - and impressive - display at Ise Shrine.

SERIES The Unsung Experts of Japan | The Cormorant Catcher – Supporting the Ancient Sport of Cormorant Fishing –


ワザあり!にっぽん | 野生の鵜を捕る男 鵜捕獲人・沼田弘幸 [CTV]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1993

Although the Japanese have practiced ukai, or cormorant fishing for over a thousand years, cormorants are now a protected species and for some time, until his son Takeshi received license, the only man in Japan with a license to catch these creatures for training was Hiroyuki Numata. As much about humanity as it is about nature, this documentary offers a rare look at how the traditional secrets of an ancient craft are passed on from one generation to another.

Rain Forest Voices – Borneo’s Indigenous Dayaks –


熱帯林の先住民は叫ぶ 緑の秘境ボルネオ 小さな村からの報告 [NAV]

|Length : 59min. |Year : 1993

This program focuses on a major environmental issue. It follows two Dayaks from Sarawak's highland rain forest on a journey to the lowlands. Piman and Peseo want to invite logging companies to their area, hoping "progress" will bring jobs and roads. First, however, they want to look at a logging site and visit the villages of the many Dayaks who have already migrated to the lowlands looking for a better life. What they find is a tragic predicament with relevance to us all.

The little School on the Island


あっくんの島の学校 [KRY]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1993

What's it like to be the only kid in Grade Three? Just two hundred people live on the island of Ushima off Yamaguchi, and when this program was taped, there were only two children of elementary school age: Akihiro Nakamura and his sister Yumiko. The children's relationship with their teacher Mr.Uchiyama is naturally a special one. One can imagine how they feel when the time comes for their teacher to leave. It's a heartwarming story about a life that is fast disappearing.

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