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TV Station TSS

Save Our Treasure! – The 278-day Restoration of Itsukushima Shrine –


守れ!海に浮かぶ朱の宝 ~厳島神社修復278日~ [TSS]

|Length : 46min. |Year : 2008

UNESCO World Heritage Itsukushima Shrine suffered extensive damages from a typhoon that struck in the autumn of 2004. "Save Our Treasure!" depicts Japanese workmen displaying traditional expertise as they endeavor to revive the globally unparalleled wooden structure on the sea, while local middle school students take up a number of activities in hopes of rediscovering the history on which they stand. The hearts of the people shine through in this struggle with natural disaster, to save the island's cultural heritage.

The Cries of the Silent Creatures


清流のヌシの叫び ~繋ぐ命と扱う命~ [TSS]

|Length : 47min |Year : 2023

The giant salamander is a protected species in Japan, living mainly in the Chugoku region. It became a hot topic when one was discovered in the river alongside the Atomic Bomb Dome in 2022. Why in the middle of the city? What we discovered through interviews was a harsh reality.


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