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TV Station MMT

Alone No More: A Family Journey with My Auntie


ひとりじゃない 家族になったボクとおばちゃん [MMT]

|Length : 46min |Year : 2023

At the age of 7, Keisuke Henmi faced the devastating loss of his entire family in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Orphaned and alone, Keisuke was taken in by his aunt Reiko Hino (51 at the time), and they started their new life on the second floor of Keisuke’s home in Ishinomaki. For Reiko, who had experienced a childless divorce the year before, this marked her first venture into parenthood. As Keisuke was very fond of his father, Reiko decided to take over the auto shop that his parents ran despite her lack of experience.
Years later, Keisuke fixes upon a dream in high school—to inherit the family shop. In 2022, he graduated high school and enrolled in an automotive technical college, having been determined to become an auto mechanic. For over 10 years since the earthquake, we followed this nephew and aunt as they gradually forged a new “family.”

Thank you, Inay – A song dedicated by a Filipina daughter to her two mothers –


イナイありがとう フィリピーナの母唄 [MMT]

|Length : 25min. |Year : 2001

Mariya Kan-no, a singer from the Philippines and her daughter Risa work as a mother and daughter duo to perform charity concerts at retirement homes and other welfare facilities. Last year out of her desire to do something for the children of the Philippines, she single-handedly organized and held a fund-raising concert in Sendai City. She and Risa personally delivered all the proceeds to her native country, distributing presents to impoverished children.


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