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TV Station HTV

Walking With My Family -The Nail Artist’s Journey to Happiness-


家族で歩く!~車いすネイリスト6年半のキセキ~ [HTV]

|Length : 46min |Year : 2023

Yuka Nakano, a nail artist, was involved in a traffic accident in March 2016 and suffered a spinal cord injury, which left her limbs paralyzed and now in a wheelchair. With the support of her family and her friends, she desperately continued her rehabilitation and returned to work as a nail artist two years after the accident. She never gives up on her dreams, but what she was about to give up on was romance and becoming a mother. Meanwhile, she meets someone who says her disability doesn't matter, starts a family, and becomes a mother. Yuka begins her journey with her new family.

Artist of Divine SpiritMiwa Komatsu and Tears of the Earth


神獣アーティスト 小松美羽と地球の涙 [HTV]

|Length : 23min |Year : 2021

A contemporary artist Miwa Komatsu who is active overseas and her drawings are receiving a lot of attention.

One of the most famous museums in the world, the British Museum has selected her painted Arita porcelain guardian dogs as a part of its permanent collection. She is now one of the hottest contemporary artists in the world.

It is her unique style that attracts people. She delivers prayers to people by drawing sacred beasts such as mountain dogs, dragons, and phoenixes that only she can see.

Miwa Komatsu visits the A-bombed area of Hiroshima. What does she feel with her unique sensitivity and her view of life and death, facing the A-bomb survivors and relics?


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