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Japan Sketches

にっぽん点描 [NHK]

Fill in Your Picture of Japan The "Japan Sketches" series presents stories that touch the heart and expand the mind, introducing us to individuals who may never be famous, but are remarkable nonetheless.

SERIES Run Your Own Way


にっぽん点描 | 自分らしく走れ 中山竹道と高校駅伝チーム [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1997

Track & field superstar encourages budding athletes

Former Olympic marathon runner Takemichi Nakayama is just as unconventional in retirement as he was on the track. Once one of the world's top runners, he finished fourth in both the Seoul and Barcelona summer olympics, Nakayama chose to teach at a high school and university in Osaka whose track and field athletes never thought they would be on the path to glory. As he takes the high school running team through its qualifying rounds for a regional long-distance relay race, the team discovers that the secret to success lies within themselves.

SERIES Just the Two of Us – Memoirs Written in the Blink of an Eye –


にっぽん点描 | ただ二人 まばたきでつづる手記 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1996

A debilitating illness gradually left Kikuko Doi virtually unable to move. Using a special word processor that responds to blinking, she corresponds with others suffering from the same disease. Her courage, and that of her caretaker husband, is truly inspiring.

SERIES Back to the Wild – Tancho Cranes A Journal –


にっぽん点描 | 野性にもどれ ケンタとチヅル 岡山・タンチョウ飼育日誌 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1996

-Okayama Prefecture-

With the population of tacho cranes dwindling, more are being bred in captivity. Follow the heart-warming tale of two such cranes, who regard their human keeper as their "father" and so must make a radical adjustment to life in the wild.

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