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TV Station NTV

The Challenge of the Deep


厳冬の津軽海峡にサメを追え! [NTV]

|Length : 28min. |Year : 1991

This is a documentary of the lives of two dogfish catchers who, although father and son, are the fiercest of rivals. Fishing for spiny dogfish on the freezing winter seas off Aomori in the north of Japan is not only dangerous and lonely but highly competitive work.
The father, Fujiemon, is considered the undisputed master dogfish catcher of the village, but his son Daisuke is fighting hard to take his place.
This documentary reveals the true love and respect between the father and son, despite their on-going feud and fierce rivalry.

The Backstreet Cats of Tokyo


ノラ猫タローと仲間達 涙と笑いの渋谷裏路地大冒険 [NTV]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1993

In this wise and witty documentary about the cat-eat-rat world of Tokyo's backstreets, the cats do the talking! First, Taro, the fourteen-year old leader of the gang, explains how his little band of six wives and an expanding brood of kittens has managed to survive day-in and day-out. Then, when the wily old tom disappears, it's his senior wife, Sumi, who takes up the tale, along with leadership, until a younger male can be found. A fascinating program for animal lovers.

Deer and Mankind – Past, Present and Future –


C.W.ニコルの森と鹿の国から [NTV]

|Length : 50min. |Year : 1992

Since ancient times, human beings have had a special relationship with the deer. And in forests worldwide, the deer is king, protected and revered. Yet there exists a paradox: humanbeings' natural desire to protect the earth's wildlife versus serious environmental concerns related to the very animal in question. In order to discuss how humans associate with nature, author and naturalist C.W. Nicol visits forests and explores the life of the deer in New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales, as well as Japan.

Harvesters of Honey


驚異!狂暴ミツバチ50万匹と闘う [NTV]

|Length : 28min. |Year : 1992

For more than 10,000 years in Himalayan villages near Tibet, people have risked their lives to harvest honey. All the villagers assemble to take the honey from the gigantic beehives suspended on cliffs 2,500 meters above the ground. After the harvest, the honey is divided equally among the villagers. Together with the strange manner of harvesting the honey, this program portrays the manners and customs as well as folklore inherited in this secluded part of the Himalayas. It also considers the ideals of a community, which seems to have been lost in modern society.

Marching through the Forest – The Ants of Panama –


黒いジュータン 軍隊アリ恐怖の大行進 [NTV]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1991

Barra Colorado Island in the Panama Canal is a world-famous center for the study of a tropical rain forest which is still preserved untouched. This documentary portrays the army ant and the leafcutter ant, both of which form societies bearing close resemblance to those of mankind. Scientifically video-taped for the first time, the portrayal of the army ant possesses high academic value.

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