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Production Year 1995

Marchando a través de la selva – Las hormigas de Panamá –


黒いジュータン 軍隊アリ恐怖の大行進 [NTV]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1995

La isla de Barra Colorado en el Canal de Panamá es un centro mundialmente conocido para el estudio de una selva tropical lluviosa que todavía permanece intacta. Este documental muestra la hormiga soldado ya la hormiga corta hojas, dos especies que forman sociedades muy parecidas a las humanas. Las imágenes de las hormigas soldado son de gran valor académico, por ser la primera vez que son filmadas para video, con carácter científico.

El Festival Danjiri – Ver es creer –


激走!激突!ド迫力 だんじり祭りの男と女 [NTV]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1995

A pesar de su modernización asombrosa, Japón es todavía un país de fiestas tradicionales. Una de ellas, la Fiesta de Danjiri, es tal vez una de las más peligrosas de su género en el mundo. Cientos de participantes corren de prisa por las estrechas calles de una ciudad, tirando grandes carrozas, a riesgo de sufrir un accidente, ya de causar heridas cualquiera de los 500,000 espectadores a lo largo del recorrido. Si Ud. Cree que los japoneses son intrépidos, este programa la hará cambiar de opinión.

Lucha de ideas – Concurso internacional de robots –


アイデア対決 ロボットコンテスト国際大会 [NHK]

|Length : 45min. |Year : 1995

En el verano de 1993 le correspondió al Instituto Tecnológico de Tokio la oportunidad de celebrar el Concurso Internacional de Robots. Desde 1990 este concurso se ha venido realizando cada año en algunas de las mejores universidades e institutos del mundo, incluido MIT. Esta vez participaron ocho equipos, cada uno con seis miembros, que crearon Robots con avanzada capacidad de maniobra. El objetivo de la prueba de este deporte de alta tecnología, consistía en meter tubos en una caja con dos aberturas justo del tamaño del más grande de los tubos.

SERIES The Storehouse of Dreams | The Storehouse of Dreams


蔵 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. x6 |Year : 1995

This fascinating drama is about a strong-willed, passionate woman who conquers adversity with courage, resolution, and foresight. It tells the tale of Retsu, a beautiful young woman who loses her sight but overcomes her handicap not only to make a life for herself but also to save the family business and the family itself.
The series is set in pre-war Japan. Retsu's father, a prominent sake maker, dotes on his daughter who has been going blind ever since she was a child. The girl finally goes completely blind; the brewery begins to fail; the father falls into despondency - and all seems lost.
Yet, Retsu refuses to give into misfortune - either her own or her family's. In marked contrast to a "conventional" Japanese woman such as her conservative aunt Saho who bears her unrequited love for Retsu's father in silence, Retsu takes over the business - turning it around while beginning a love affair with Ryota, one of her father's employees. Plenty of complications add depth and interest to this series.

The Family Trip


家族旅行 [NHK]

|Length : 89min. |Year : 1995

This insightful program explores a highly contemporary problem which many women face how to reconcile the needs of a career with marriage and family life. For Reiko, this is a major dilemma.
Since coming to Tokyo from northern Japan, she has put in long hours, working hard to achieve her youthful hopes and ambitions and to prove herself and get ahead in business. But at what cost in personal terms? With her relationship with her husband cooling off and in some trouble and with her child having problems in school, Reiko sets out with her family to visit her home town. Here in the bosom of nature, she meets her parents and old friends.
These reunions and encounters have an effect on each member of the family and each undergoes important changes coming to essential realizations as the trip progresses. While, in some sense, this is a trip back in time, it is a trip which provides a new foundation for the family. This is a program that not only explores a problem common to many families in a thoughtful and balanced manner - but provides some sensible solutions.

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