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Gion Festival-The Road to the Historic Float’s Restoration-


祇園祭 鷹山復興への道 196年の眠りから覚めて [KBS]

|Length : 52min |Year : 2023

Gion Festival, one of the most famous festivals in Japan, includes many rituals and events during the month of July every year. The most famous of these are the float processions held on the 17th and again on the 24th. All the floats are festooned with gorgeous ornaments and are pulled and pushed through the main streets of Kyoto.
On July 24, 2022 the Takayama Float which had not been seen for 196 years, was seen once again in the second parade.
Over the years there had been many failed attempts to revive the Takayama Float. But it wasn’t until 2022 that this fabled float would once again proudly join the parade again. It wasn’t easy, but thanks to many people’s efforts, the Takayama Float enjoyed a rebirth after nearly 200 years, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the festival.

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