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Viewpoint Science

カガクノミカタ [NHK]

So many things in our everyday lives have so many interesting things about them. But if you don’t know how to look, these interesting things can be surprisingly hard to find. On this program, we use a variety of scientific viewpoints to discover them. With these viewpoints, we try to see the things in our lives in slightly different ways. Our hope is that this program helps children learn how to explore all the interesting things in the world around them—how to ask questions, and how to discover new ones.

SERIES Line Them Up


ならべてみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2018

When we line up some bicycles, we discovered a lot of interesting things. Why is the shaft of a handlebar angled?

SERIES Take It Apart


分解してみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2018

A notebook, a toilet paper tube and etc…. When you take apart something familiar, do you notice anything interesting?

SERIES Try to Sort Them


仲間分けしてみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2018

Carrots, grapes, okra, eggplant, watermelon, radishes, cucumbers… Various fruits and vegetables. What interesting stuff will you find when you try to sort them into groups?

SERIES Describe It in Words


コトバにしてみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2018

Let’s describe something familiar. It’s white and oval-shaped. One end is a little bit pointed. What is it?

SERIES Look Underneath


下から見てみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2018

If we look at various creatures from underneath, maybe we'll find something fascinating. How do such creatures as snails and sea snails move?

SERIES Try Comparing


比べてみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2017

We look at a variety of different pinecones. When we compare them, we discover all sorts of interesting stuff.

SERIES Try Drawing It


描いてみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2017

The star of this episode is the zebra. What do a zebra’s stripes look like? Can you draw them from memory? After you try, look at a picture of a zebra—the stripes are probably more complicated than you think!

SERIES Make a Hypothesis


仮説を立ててみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2017

Two boxes that weigh the same. Each one has two plastic bottles of water inside. We put an empty box under one of these boxes. Now, which stack is heavier?

SERIES Try Looking Inside


中を見てみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2017

What’s a strawberry like on the inside? We asked people on the street. Did they come up with the right answer? We open up a strawberry and find out.

SERIES Try Making It


作ってみる [NHK]

|Length : 10 |Year : 2017

We try and make an ant out of clay and wire. Could you build an ant, without looking at a picture?

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