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TV Station NHK

SERIES Japan in Focus | Together Against the Wind – Wajima – Noto Peninsula –


新日本探訪 | 風の絆 奥能登 輪島 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1993

For some people, a fence is not a neighborly thing. The "magaki", or bamboo fences of Osawa-machi on the Japan Sea, however, not only provide protection from the elements and serve as a tourist attraction, they are a symbol of community solidarity. The problem is that there are fewer young people to help maintain them. This interesting program says much about the "graying" of society and the problems faced by communities in preserving their traditional identity.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Ballad of Youth in Uzumasa – Dreams of Becoming an Action Movie Star –


新日本探訪 | 京都太秦青春譜 夢はアクション俳優 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1991

Actor Shinichi Chiba has established an acting school in Kyoto with a difference. This school is dedicated to "action drama". It takes only 20 students and holds auditions every May for new members. Those who make the grade come every day and support themselves through a variety of part-time jobs. Set in the fresh, green month of May, the program presents an interesting look at young people preparing for a future quite unlike that of most their peers.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Youth on the Suzuka Circuit – Young Motorcycle Enthusiasts –


新日本探訪 | 鈴鹿青春サーキット [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1991

In the motorsports world, Suzuka City in Mie Prefecture is famous for F-1 and 8-hour endurance races. The city also attracts large numbers of young people who want to become professional motorcycle riders. Although many of these hopefuls - mostly young automobile factory workers - are so in love with motorcycles that they spend a large part of their salaries on their bikes, it takes more than enthusiasm to become a pro. This program centers on one young man who dreams of becoming a professional and enters a 4-hour endurance race.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Dreams Soaring in the Sky…on the Wings of the Wind


新日本探訪 | 東京紙飛行機ロマン [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1991

Every morning people gather in a park in Musashino, a Tokyo suburb, for a day flying hand-made paper airplanes. As they watch their planes soar overhead, some of the older enthusiasts look back on the hard-work of the past; others think of friends killed in World War. For a few there are practical advantages to paper airplanes: one handicapped man found a job through a friend he made here. For all who come here, paper airplanes are the stuff of dreams and aspirations.

SERIES Théâtre de marionnettes | Le vieillard qui faisait fleurir les arbres


はなさかじいさん [NHK]

|Length : 15min. |Year : 2008

Un gentil mais pauvre fermier et sa femme se portent à la rescousse d'un petit chien nommé Shiro. Pour le remercier Shiro mène le vieil homme à une cache où est enterré une fortune en pièces d'or. Quand Shiro trépasse, le vieux couple l'enterre dans un coin de leur champ et marquent l'endroit avec un plantule de pin. Miraculeusement ce petit arbre se transforme en un géant au cours de la nuit. Le vieux fermier se sert du bois de cet arbre pour fabriquer un pilon pour battre les galettes de riz. Un autre miracle se produit : des pièces d'or se matérialisent chaque fois qu'il utilise le pilon. Un jour ce pilon miraculeux – souvenir de Shiro – est détruit par le feu. Il ne reste que des cendres. Le vieux fermier répand les cendres dans le vent et soudainement, les arbres dénudés se couvrent de fleurs.

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