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TV Station NHK

SERIES Hello Nippon - We Are Cosmopolitans | “Otsukiai” – Secret of Succeeding in Japan


ハローニッポン - われら地球人 - | 日本式オツキアイ教えます [NHK]

|Length : 20min. |Year : 1997

Terry Lloyd discovers ways his consulting firm can break through the traditional Japanese system of business. By sponsoring seminars on Japanese business customs for foreign businesses and designing English language homepages for Japanese firms, Lloyd builds new links between Japanese and foreign corporations.

SERIES Young People at Work | The Summer I Dove for Abalone


若者たちの現場 | 私がアワビを採った夏 [NHK]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1997

Emi Matsui has left her desk job to dive for abalone off Mie Prefecture. The challenges she encounters during the summer from fellow divers and inclement weather as she builds basic survival skills and acceptance from the tight-knit community of veteran female divers mature Emi, giving her a new appreciation of life.

SERIES Young People at Work | Bungo, The Roof Tiler


若者たちの現場 | 瓦職人文吾がゆく [NHK]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1997

Bungo Hisaka divides his working time between cormorant fishing, which has a 400-year history, and roof tiling. Both these jobs require total commitment year-round, and the 24-year-old will soon have to choose one which will offer the most satisfaction throughout his life. This decision affects not just Bungo, but his family, friends and community.

SERIES Young People at Work | To Become a Fisherman – Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture –


若者たちの現場 | ぼくは漁師になりました [NHK]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1996

Takafusa Yamazaki gave up his clerical job for the physically demanding but ultimately more rewarding pursuit of commercial fishing. As we see, Yamazaki has much to learn about his new profession, but he doesn't regret his choice.

SERIES New Job! New Freedom! | Inspecting Animals at Narita


青春ドギィ&マギィ | 動物検疫官・成田空港24時 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1997

In her role as an animal inspector at Tokyo's Narita International Airport, Hideka Seto must make decisions which affect the lives of both people and animals. A 24-hour, 365-day a year operation, the animal inspector's office exams all types of animals - from livestock to dogs - to ensure the health and safety of other animals and people in Japan.

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