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Documentary : Traditional Culture


The Mark of Beauty |

The Roots of the Awa-Odori – A Journey of Discovery to the Southern Islands –


阿波踊り発見!南の海に源流を求めて [JRT]

|Length : 26min. |Year : 1993

In this fascinating study of the roots of Japanese cultural diversity, dance researcher, Eiji Hinoki, journeys south to investigate the dances of Kyushu. While the famous Awa-Odori folk dance of his native Tokushima in Shikoku has much in common with the folk dances of Japan's southern islands, its three-beat rhythm is unique. Hinoki believes that the Awa-Odori probably originated in the Amakusa region of Western Kyushu through contacts with fishermen and merchants.

The Danjiri Festival – Seeing is Believing –


激走!激突!ド迫力 だんじり祭りの男と女 [NTV]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1992

Even with its amazing modernization, Japan is still a country of traditional festivals. One of these, The DANJIRI FESTIVAL, is probably one of the most dangerous of its kind in the world. Hundreds of participants race through narrow streets of a town carrying giant floats, risking injury to both themselves and the 500,000 spectators sharing their course. If you've ever thought the Japanese are shy, this program will change your mind!

Japanese Craftsmen with a Difference – Toshiharu Kano – Creating Nature on Paper –


工房探訪 つくる 和紙工芸家 加納俊治 漉きあげる自然 [NHK]

|Length : 25min. |Year : 1991

Forty years ago, Toshiharu Kano revived the old Japanese papermaking techniques handed down in Ohara Village, Aichi Prefecture. He has since devoted himself to the craft. This program features artist Kano as he meets the challenge of the "new-ness" of this old art, using traditional techniques. From collecting raw wood to extracting dyes from plants and soil, Kano does all the work himself.

Japanese Craftsmen with a Difference – Shiko Ito – The Melody of the Wind onto Paper –


工房探訪 つくる 画家 伊藤紫虹 風の旋律を描く [NHK]

|Length : 25min. |Year : 1991

Shiko Ito is an artist preoccupied with the theme "cities". She started her own career with sumi or Chinese ink drawing; then went on to learn Western-style painting and sculpture; and finally developed her own, unique style of sumi. Three years ago, she set up a studio near Mt. Hiei. The program shows her at work.

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