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Production Year 2023

Alone No More: A Family Journey with My Auntie


ひとりじゃない 家族になったボクとおばちゃん [MMT]

|Length : 46min |Year : 2023

At the age of 7, Keisuke Henmi faced the devastating loss of his entire family in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Orphaned and alone, Keisuke was taken in by his aunt Reiko Hino (51 at the time), and they started their new life on the second floor of Keisuke’s home in Ishinomaki. For Reiko, who had experienced a childless divorce the year before, this marked her first venture into parenthood. As Keisuke was very fond of his father, Reiko decided to take over the auto shop that his parents ran despite her lack of experience.
Years later, Keisuke fixes upon a dream in high school—to inherit the family shop. In 2022, he graduated high school and enrolled in an automotive technical college, having been determined to become an auto mechanic. For over 10 years since the earthquake, we followed this nephew and aunt as they gradually forged a new “family.”

A Museum of Memories


よみがえる街の記憶~陸前高田博物館再開~ [NHK]

|Length : 30min |Year : 2023

A Museum of Memories
The Rikuzentakata City Museum, which was devastated by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, reopened last fall. The only surviving curator, Kumagai Masaru tirelessly rescued and restored displays while facing calls to "look for people first.” But his belief that “cultural assets are indispensable for true reconstruction” kept him going. His determination to pass down community memories to the future was reaffirmed through a stuffed Kingfisher donated by local children. This led to a miracle upon the reopening of the museum.

SERIES Endless Wonders | How Do You Germinate a Seed?


第2回 発芽させるには? [NHK]

|Length : 10min |Year : 2023

Endless Wonders is a science program for elementary schoolers. The “Wonder Monsters” featured in the program will take children on a journey to discover and challenge the wonders that can be found around them, through exciting footages and everyday references.

These episodes are mainly aimed for 5th graders. In each episode, the Wonder Monsters present a particular everyday “wonder.” The program guides children to make predictions about the factors that are key in unraveling that wonder, and gets them thinking about how they can check their predictions through experiments. What are the conditions? How do you check if a prediction is correct? Wonder Monsters grow by eating what the children discover!
The discussions and sharing of ideas between the elementary schoolchildren who appear, serve as hints for the viewer to start thinking science too.

In this episode, we look at how to germinate a seed. What does it take to germinate a seed? There appears to be more than one way to do this. How will we be able to find this out?

SERIES Endless Wonders | Are Cotyledons Necessary?


第3回 子葉は必要? [NHK]

|Length : 10min |Year : 2023

Endless Wonders is a science program for elementary schoolers. The “Wonder Monsters” featured in the program will take children on a journey to discover and challenge the wonders that can be found around them, through exciting footages and everyday references.

These episodes are mainly aimed for 5th graders. In each episode, the Wonder Monsters present a particular everyday “wonder.” The program guides children to make predictions about the factors that are key in unraveling that wonder, and gets them thinking about how they can check their predictions through experiments. What are the conditions? How do you check if a prediction is correct? Wonder Monsters grow by eating what the children discover!
The discussions and sharing of ideas between the elementary schoolchildren who appear, serve as hints for the viewer to start thinking science too.

Are cotyledons necessary? Once the cotyledons germinate, they wither. But are cotyledons necessary for germination? Let's think about ways in which we can find this out!

SERIES Endless Wonders | How Are Living Things Connected?


第9回 生き物どうしのつながりは? [NHK]

|Length : 10min |Year : 2023

Endless Wonders is a science program for elementary schoolers. The “Wonder Monsters” featured in the program will take children on a journey to discover and challenge the wonders that can be found around them, through exciting footages and everyday references.
These episodes are mainly aimed for 6th graders. In each episode, the Wonder Monsters present a particular everyday “wonder.” From investigating the wonders around you, what can you say? How much can you find out? The program encourages the children to give things a thorough thought. By looking at the results of more than one experiment, they are taught the importance of looking at things from different sides to reach a conclusion.
The discussions and sharing of ideas between the elementary schoolchildren who appear, serve as hints for the viewer to start thinking science too.

In this episode, we look into connections between living things. First, the children study what connections there are between the living things around us, using the “eat and be eaten” relationship in grasslands and the sea as clues. The children then consider cases where some creatures become extinct. Through this activity, what will they discuss as they search for answers? Tune in to find out!

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