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Japan : The Inside Story | The Unsung Experts of Japan | Japan in Focus | Japan Sketches | Discover Asia | New Job! New Freedom! | Young People at Work | Hello Nippon - We Are Cosmopolitans | Special Lessons | We're the Professionals! | 2000 and Beyond : Visualizing a New Century - The Earth and Our Environment : The Boundaries of Plenty - |

SERIES Japan in Focus | The Last Rakugo Story


新日本探訪 | 故郷が笑った 熊本・山里の子ども落語 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1996

With two of the three pupils at a village's elementary school about to move away, their traditional story-telling performances are coming to an end. Learn what the end of this tradition will mean to the older people of the village.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Days of Weaving Together


新日本探訪 | 絆織りなす日 京都 西陣 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1996

The decline of the kimono has hit Kyoto's Nishijin hard, throwing many talented weavers and related craftsmen out of work. Their plight comes to life in the story of 60-yearold Mitsuo Shibagaki, a master craftsman who is nevertheless forced to search for employment.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Joys of the Circus


新日本探訪 | 楽しやサーカス みちのく・道化師の旅 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1996

The joyous craft of making people happy is in sad decline in Japan, as circuses have lost much of their former popularity. Veteran clown and trapeze artist Kenichi Yamashita may be one of a dying breed, but he gamely passes his skills on to a new generation.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Come to the Sea


新日本探訪 | 海においでよ 鹿児島 佐多岬 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1996

As these programs demonstrate, Japan is changing with the times. The changes are sometimes difficult, but the spirit with which they are met is never less than inspiring. Retired schoolteacher Kazunari Katsumoto, an avid diver in his 60s, establishes a seafront school for children who refuse to go to regular schools. Witness how Katsumoto eventually gets these "problem" children to open up by following his relationship with one particular boy.

SERIES Japan in Focus | Fly, Cranes, Fly


新日本探訪 | 翔べタンチョウ 岡山・“鶴のお父さん”の挑戦 [NHK]

|Length : 24min. |Year : 1995

Mr. Inoguchi is working to bring back the great flocks of cranes once so common in Japanese skies - no easy task since these splendid creatures are now an endangered species. Inoguchi not only breeds cranes at the Okayama Prefectural Conservation Center, he must act as a surrogate parent teaching his charges to fly. While aware of the difficulties, Inoguchi is determined that the crane, so important in Japanese culture, will survive for the next generation to marvel at.

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