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Production Year 2016

Internment in Siberia~A Former Internee’s Legacy for High School Students~



|Length : 46min |Year : 2016

After World War II ended in 1945, more than 570,000 Japanese were detained by the Soviet Union for internment in Siberia, where at least 55,000 perished under the severe conditions. The Port of Maizuru in Kyoto Prefecture continued to receive repatriating soldiers and internees up to 1958.Jiro Harada, a former soldier who repatriated after surviving 4 years of internment and forced labor in Khabarovsk, now voluntarily speaks about his experience at community gatherings, hoping to convey the monstrosity of war to the younger generations. High school students in Maizuru who are studying the wartime history of their home town become acquainted with Harada, and his intriguing stories motivate them to inherit his experience as a historical legacy.

SPIRIT OF JAPAN: The Man Who Created Magic Frying Pans


日本のチカラ フライパンに魔法をかけた男~厚さ1.5mmの壁~ [NBN]

|Length : 25min |Year : 2016

There are frying pans so remarkably popular that you’d have to wait for about two years to get it. They are Magic Frying Pans manufactured by a cast iron products manufacturer called Nishikimi Chuzo, Co. The most prominent feature of the Magic Frying Pans is the thinness: it’s only 1.5 mm thick. Nishikimi Chuzo developed a technology to achieve much desired “thinness” and thus the company could manufacture frying pans with excellent thermal conductivity for domestic use. However, for the development the company spent ten long years.Behind this success was the company president’s tenacity in getting out of being a subcontractor at the time when the company was in a harsh business environment.

Empathy as Therapy: Bringing New Hope to Dementia Caregiving


生きること 認知症の心に寄り添う「バリデーション」 [KTV]

|Length : 47min |Year : 2016

It is predicted that by 2025, one in every five Japanese people over the age of 65 will be afflicted with dementia. Care for increasing dementia patients is urgent, but conditions for caregivers are harsh, and shortage of personnel is a serious problem. How can we give our loved ones the care they deserve?Naoko Tsumura, professor at Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, embraces “Validation”, a method to empathize and foster better communication with dementia patients. In nursing homes that have introduced Validation, the relationships between caregivers and families, and the patients, have slowly improved, providing new hope for all.

SERIES Una Apasionada por los Desafios | La Cazadora del Cacao


情熱大陸 | カカオハンター 小方真弓 [MBS]

|Length : 24min |Year : 2016

Existe una japonesa con un oficio poco usual llamado “cazador de cacao”. Que, a diferencia de lo que indica el nombre, no se trata únicamente de buscar cacao, sino que también consiste descubrir la tendencia de consumo y tener en consideración el futuro de los productores. Esa persona es Mayumi Ogata.

Ogata originalmente trabajaba en una compañia productora de chocolate, pero queriendo saber más acerca del cacao, el año 2003 renuncia a su trabajo. Consecuentemente, se dedicó a recorrer los países en donde se produce cacao, haciendo varias investigaciones y estudios acerca de este ingrediente. Con la experiencia necesaria acumulada, ahora se dedica a realizar mejoras en la calidad del material, el desarrollo de productos de chocolate y se encarga de dar consejos acerca de planeamiento corporativo a los chocolateros.

En el trasfondo que enciende la pasión de Ogata por el cacao está la siguiente idea “Las personas que consumen chocolate ignoran donde se produce el cacao, y los productores de cacao ignoran que sus productos se convierten en chocolate”, también agrega: mi gran sueño es unir estos dos mundos a través del sabor y la sonrisa.

Esta vez, Ogata sale a un viaje en busca de un nuevo tipo de cacao que anhelan los reposteros y así como de un rarísimo cacao.

Abriendose paso entre árboles, cruzando rios, subiendo sobre acantilados montada en un asno finalmente pudo encontrar el rarísimo cacao. Aunque lo que se llevó de regreso consigo no es la fruta, sino unas ramas de la planta. Ella pensó que haciendo un injerto para poder preservar esa variedad, podría dar oportunidad de crear un modo de subsistencia para los habitantes del lugar. Una cazadora no debe ser una depredadora, esa es la creencia de Ogata.
El cacao que han encontrado en lo alto de la montaña se ha injertado en la base de ésta, donde el terreno es plano y más fácil de cultivar.
Los nativos de la zona han nombrado ese lugar como “Blanco amanecer”. Una pequeña puerta al futuro. Y más allá... grandes esperanzas.

SERIES Bravo to Music! | Bravo to Music! 2016


おんがくブラボー 2016年度 [NHK]

|Length : 10min. x6 |Year : 2016

(1.Learning to Play the Recorder Well)
The recorder expert visits the mansion again to give the pupils additional technical tips for playing high and low notes so that they can perform a more advanced tune.

(2.Singing with Clear Resonant Voices)
An expert vocalist is called in to provide the pupils coaching on how to produce clear and resonant voices and sing especially the high notes smoothly.

(3.Harmonizing is Fun!)
The pupils get together with the NHK Tokyo Children Chorus to learn how to effectively practice singing harmony parts so that they can sing in a well-coordinated chorus ensemble.

(4.Creating Melodies is Easy!)
Bravo challenges the pupils to compose their own melodies. By learning how to align the notes to create musical tension and resolution, the pupils create and perform an original tune.

(5.Let's Explore the Devices of Music!)
The pupils listen to some orchestral music, and with the help of professional orchestra members, get to understand how the various musical instruments are played to create the total musical image.

(6.Let's Visit an Orchestra!)
Sora and Hinata go to interview the players and the conductor of an orchestra to learn the fun and appeal of playing music in an ensemble. Then they listen to the orchestra in a concert performance.

1. Learning to Play the Recorder Well(ED271606)
2. Singing with Clear Resonant Voices(ED271607)
3. Harmonizing is Fun!(ED271608)
4. Creating Melodies is Easy!(ED271609)
5. Let's Explore the Devices of Music!(ED271610)
6. Let's Visit an Orchestra!(ED271611)

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