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TV Station NHK

Mystical Waters of Toyama Bay


神秘の海 富山湾 海の中までアルプスがつづく [NHK]

|Length : 52min. |Year : 2006

The magical blue glow of firefly squids lights up the dark sea. A forest of marine plants submerged for over ten thousand years lies beneath the deep waters. Toyama Bay is an underwater world of rare natural phenomena. Countless legends about this mysterious bay have been passed on through generations of fishermen. Some fish are thought to "drink"the water welling up from the ocean floor and certain sea creatures are considered messengers of the sea gods.

Japan from 1,000 Feet


にっぽん上空“高度1000フィート”の眼 航空写真家・芥川善行の世界 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1998

Up close and personal: A bird's-eye view of Japan

Yoshiyuki Akutagawa's photographs - shot from a lightweight aircraft flying the lowest allowed altitude of 1,000 feet - present a unique and intriguing perspective on Japan. Depending on the season, location and altitude the work can be physically demanding and mentally challenging, but the rewards are considerable. Akutagawa's 35 years of experience in this type of work mean that whether photographing nature or people hard at work and play, these shots offer an unusual angle of what makes Japan the country that it is.

The Diving Fishermen of Niijima


水深40メートル 追い込み漁に生きる 伊豆諸島・新島 [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1998

The Izu Islands stretch to the southeast from the Izu Peninsula. The fishermen on the island of Niijima hunt fish. Called "Ogake-ami", this traditional fishing method uses over 30 fishermen to cast nets and close to 15 divers to drive the fish into the net. They hunt schools of fish such as T"akabe" (yellow striped butterfish), "isaki" (chicken grunt) and "hiramasa" (amberjack), catching between one to five tonnes at a time. The fierce battle in the sea can last up to three hours as the fishermen are pushed to the limits of endurance and skill by the treacherous conditions.

The Story of a Stream


四季・牛渡川 [NHK]

|Length : 45min. |Year : 1998

A visual poem depicting the four seasons in the Tohoku region

The Ushiwatari River starts its journey from Mt. Chokai, and meanders along the northern edge of Shonai Plain in Yamagata Prefecture in northeastern Japan, finally emptying out into the Japan Sea. It serves as a source of life and entertainment to the people in the area, flowing through rice paddies and residential areas. The combination of cold mountain water and its proximity to the sea allows the river to provide a unique environment which is capable of supporting both freshwater and seawater life.

Water Sprites of the Skies – Snow Crystals of Mt.Daisetsu –


天空の妖精 大雪山・雪の結晶 [NHK]

|Length : 20min. |Year : 1995

If you are interested in snow in Japan, then the best place for you would be Mt. Daisetsu, which the locals like to call the "roof" of Hokkaido in the north. This program, however, is less concerned with the vast snowy vistas of the mountain itself than with the ever-changing microcosmic world of snow crystals.
The background music is particularly impressive, featuring the clear tones of the Irish dulcimer.

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